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We value our relationships with clients and candidates

Some examples of what people, both candidates and clients are saying:

!I first came into contact with Steve in Oct 2012 while looking for my latest role. Steve understood my background, the industry I worked in & the type of role that best suited me from the off which saved a lot of time & potentially wasted interviews. He always kept me well informed at each stage of the interview process. In addition, his style was open and inviting & willingly gave his time to responding to questions & giving advice. I certainly would recommend Steve to anyone looking for a new role in the industries he specialises in."
Greig Jones
Southern Sales Manager
Steve is in my opinion the essence of "professional". I found Steve to be Honest, accurate and extremely knowledgeable about the industries, companies and clients he represents. A no nonsense professional with a great character and I would highly recommend Steve to any client or company who is seeking a near perfect client to company match within the recruitment process.’
Mark Taylor
Business Manager
‘I have known Steve for more years than I would like to remember. In my earlier years Steve was very helpful in helping me progress my career and getting me in front of the right companies and roles I was interested in. Now in the latter stages of my career Steve has helped me in recruiting the right candidates, I made a comment to Steve about 2 years ago about the type of person I was looking for and he didn't put forward all and sundry like most would have done. Instead he waited until the ideal candidate became available, a true professional, gentleman and a credit to his industry.’
Mark Osbourne
Sales Director